This video shows us how to make a healthy artichoke guacamole. Prepare 6 cooked large fresh artichoke. Remove the hearts and bottoms from the artichoke and place in a medium-sized bowl. Mash it with a ...
Learn to prepare butternut squash for cooking! It is a nutrient rich, low calorie food. When you buy your squash, make sure its free of blemishes and looks healthy. This is very important. At home, fe ...
Step by step guide to preparing a raw artichoke for cooking. Using a knife, take a washed artichoke and trim the top part and stem around 1 inch up from each side. Using a kitchen scissors, trim the l ...
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Open tomatoes and drain liquid. Pour tomatoes into a mixing bowl. Add parmesan cheese and mix well. Crack two eggs into the bowl and incorporate into the tomato/cheese mix ...
This video demonstrates how to prepare a vegetarian crispy Okra dish. For this you will need Okra, green chili, dried red chili, cumin, salt, and canola oil. Wash and dry the Okra before cutting it to ...
Pickles are a fantastic accompaniment to sandwiches and burgers or even just to munch on during a hot summer day, and now you can make your very own pickles at home. You can make your pickles more so ...
Watch this video to learn how to prepare these sumptuous potato balls with cream cheese center perfect for vegetable lovers. 1. In a casserole, place chopped Serrano peppers and grated ginger. Add sa ...
This is a quick and easy way to prepare healthy broccoli. On your chopping board, lay broccoli crowns upside down. Cut around the broccoli in its flower heads using a knife holding up the stem/stalk. ...
See a quick and easy presentation on how to remove the fuzzy center of a freshly cooked artichoke. After you have cooked the artichoke, spread the petals of the artichoke to show the center petals. Ta ...
Rldel149 from YouTube teaches his viewers how to make the perfect day pickles. Pick 1 gallon of small cucumbers no great than 2 inches in length. Day 1: Wash and scrub the cucumbers clean with a vege ...