How To: Make sautéed mushrooms

Make sautéed mushrooms

In this video from FusionGuy09 we learn how to make sautéed mushrooms. They use a morel mushroom here. They are at the Oregon Culinary Institute here with Chef Dan Brophy. He takes the morel and taps it gently to get the debris out, and then cut it length wise. For this he uses shallots, butter, salt, pepper, cream, stock, and brandy. First he cuts the shallot into thin strips. Add butter to the pan. You want it hot and butter melted before adding the shallots. Then add the shallots. Cook until limp and tender. Now add the morels. This whole process takes about 6-10 minutes. Now take the pan off the flame and add brandy to the pan, put it back on the burner and ignite. Next add a bit of cream, and some chicken stock. Next salt and pepper. Don't reduce heat until you see a sauce like consistency. Now add some chopped chives to it and then pour into a sauce boat. Now they're ready to eat.

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